ciccogol - What I was implying was that the majority of street level crime in the London / Essex area is now mainly being done by various gangs as oppose the heavyweight crime figures with major control. Whilst I'm under no illusion that the heavyweights are still about they play a lesser role, or have a lesser front at street level, the Essex boys and East End Gangsters were like celebrities in their day, well known in their respective areas for their activities and crimes.

NickyScarfo - I'd have to agree, his size certainly went a long way to his and others perception of himself.

I have seen Bernard's site. I remember seeing the original crime scene photos some time ago and then there were some rarer ones that circulated showing Tate and Tucker in the range rover, I believe they were taken once the vehicle had been taken away for forensic investigation, very gory as you can imagine.

Tucker I believe was a minder for Nigel Benn, a measure of the man that he was paid to look after a boxing world champion. I think whilst they had a certain degree of intelligence it was simply their violence that propelled them to the positions they held. They quite simply had a complete disregard for the status of other villains and would readily rip off fellow criminals and use almost barbaric levels of violence against anyone.

With regards to whether they have convicted the right people it's difficult for me to say, not all of the information has made it into the public domain and it's also questionable if the information which is out there is true fact. I'd definitely suggest there is still some grey area shall we say. I'd assume the only people who know for sure are the two serving life sentences and those that are not in a position to tell, Tate, Tucker and Rolfe.

When they send for you, you go in alive, you come out dead, and it's your best friend that does it.