You can find a very interesting article dealing with the Peraino brothers featuring some new background info on "Big" Sal Miciotta here

The article is from EVL´s blog

GerryLang, you are right. The Peraino brothers father, Giuseppe "The Clutching Hand", was a bigshot during the prohibition. He was killed in early 1930. A third son, Carmine, was killed some months later, supposedly for beating up his wife.

This article was published in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Oct 7, 1930:

""Clutcing Hand´s Son Assassinated As His Father Was"

"Police today began a hunt for two gunmen who killed 23-year old son of "the clutching hand" last night in front of 1857 85th street, in the Bath Beach section. He died in the same way his father met his end in the Red Hook district seven months ago.
Piraino, police said, was on his way from the subway to his home at 1436 77th street, when two men came from a driveway and opened fire. He fell dead with two bullets in the back of the head and two in his chest as the gunmen fled.
The body was identified by Detective McNally who said he had been called to Piriano's home a week ago after Mrs. Piralno's face had been slashed in a quarrel with her husband.
The father, Giuseppe Piraino, was killed last March after a conference with rival liquor racketeers, according to police.
The section in which the younger Piraino was shot down is what was once the stamping ground of Frankie Uale. Whetherr this killing was connected with gang troubles could not be determined by the police."

///This is how the killing was reported.
Some crime historians claim that Carmine was killed because of the incident with the battered wife.

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