I find the 'comments' section following Fosco's articles even more entertaining. I've been reading his stuff for a while since a lot of it centers on my hometown (had dinner at My Way in River Grove (since closed and re-opened with another name) and the Maroons Club in Elmwood Park, breakfast at Panera in Elmwood Park on countless occasions), and I can't say one way or the other as to how accurate his information might be, or the information that people post in the comments. It seems plausible...but I take all of it with a grain of salt.

I thought the Giancana article was interesting. It's been reported that Giancana had his daughters over to the house for dinner on the evening that he was killed. After dinner, they left and one of them returned because she forgot something at the house. I believe in one of Roemer's books, she says that she saw Butch arrive around the time she was leaving. Butch had been Sam's driver back in the day so it would not be unusual for him to visit Sam. That made Butch a good candidate to carry out the order. The gun that was used -- the kind of gun that should be destroyed, disposed of and NEVER found -- was recovered intact when a county worker cutting grass in a forest preserve found it in an open field near the road. The location where the gun was found would suggest that someone tossed it out the window while driving in a direction that would suggest one possible path that starts at Sam's house with a final destination of Oak Park, River Forest, or Elmwood Park...the suburbs where the top bosses in Chicago all lived...as well as Butch and the people mentioned in Fosco's article.

tony b.

"Kid, these are my f**kin' work clothes."
"You look good in them golf shoes. You should buy 'em"