Goddammit, they cancelled? That sucks. I just watched the first two eps, and was really getting into it. Well made, well acted. Not a 'mob' angle as such, but a few shylocks, some shady characters with vowely last names and Ace is a typical mobster type. Love Richard Kind's character, and the four "railbirds" (read: degenerate gamblers)

I myself dont mind the occasional punt, and IMO the show really captures that vibe of excitement/anticipation when your horse is pulling ahead.

EDIT; I just read up a bit. Apparently it had been renewed for a second series, but after the third (!) horse died during production (two in the pilot, one in the seventh episode), PETA made some noise and the show was dropped. Definitely sucks, but Im amazed in this day and age "Animals WERE harmed in the making of this feature".

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 03/19/12 10:00 PM.
