The fates of Willie Cicci, and of the Rosato Brothers, are really the only loose ends left in GF II. We don't know what happens to them. We know Tom at least considers the Rosatos enemies still, but Cicci is not mentioned. And we don't see the Rosato Bros gunned down on screen like Roth or see what happens to Cicci.

Given Willie Cicci's presence in the original Godfather III script, is it possible (canonically) that he was given a pass? The only reason he wasn't in the final GFIII is because the actor who played him, Joe Spinell, died before filming began.

It wouldn't be the first time a rat was given a pass--In real life, Willie Boy Johnson lived for about three years after it came out that he was a rat. He wasn't in any witness protection program, he was out on the streets on his own making money.

" Based on Gotti’s commitment to him, Johnson felt he was out of harm’s way. Although banned from the Bergin, Johnson was back living in the old neighborhood with his wife and children and working at a construction job. Johnson was also rumored to be dealing in drugs again.

In the wake of the Giacalone case, the FBI records were turned over to Gotti’s lawyers. The information confirmed that it was Johnson who led the authorities to Gotti when he was hiding after the McBratney murder. The information also revealed that Willie Boy had provided information that allowed the FBI’s Gambino Squad to build their narcotics case against Gene Gotti, Angelo Ruggiero, and the others.

Gotti bided his time in reacting to the disclosed information. If Gotti had a soft spot for his old friend it hardened during the summer of 1988. Apparently Johnson had also passed on information to the authorities about the son of imprisoned Colombo boss Carmine Persico. Reportedly Alphonse Persico challenged the Gambino family by questioning, “What are you waiting for?”

In discussing the murder plans with Gravano, Gotti was concerned about the hit team failing and forcing Johnson into government protection where he could give up even more incriminating information. The contract was given to Eddie Lino, an ex-Bonanno associate and one of the shooters in the Castellano killing. Lino reportedly “sublet the contract” to a cousin in the Bonanno Family. The cousin in turn gave the assignment to three Bonanno gunmen to carry out.

On August 29, 1988 the killers struck. At 6:05 a.m., as Johnson walked from his Flatland’s home in Brooklyn to his car, the gunmen fired nineteen rounds at him. Johnson was hit once in each thigh, twice in the back, and at least six times in the head. The hit team then dropped jack-like spikes on the street to prevent the possibility of pursuit.

Hearing the shooting, Johnson’s wife ran out screaming. She cradled his head in her lap, but Willie Boy had died instantly."

And what of the Rosatos? Did Michael take out his vengeance on them, or were they simply "small potatoes" as Roth would say?

And finally: What do you think became of the New York branch of the Corleone Crime Family after Pentangelli's death? Did Michael appoint some other Capo or what?

Last edited by Crazy_Joe_Gallo; 03/18/12 10:53 PM.