Originally Posted By: maverick
money stopped going to nyc. its a fact. during project colisee the RCMP had camera's in the rizzuto headquarters for a long time. police knew how much money was coming, from where, from who etc. everything you needed to know about how the montreal family worked.
not ONE mentions of payments to new york.. fact is after george sciascia was whacked new york had no hadn in montreal what so ever.

Simply not true, they didn't broadcast where the $ were coming from or going on tape not once. I've seen and heard every one of those tapes which were made public, with Sr stuffing wads into his socks and they never discussed who the money came from or who it was going to. Where is your source on this? Your opinion is not fact. What tapes were you watching or listening too when Nick outlined how the Montreal mafia works on lol? The most revealing info he gave on tape was that he made it clear who the top 5 guys were when he divided $ into 5 even piles, one for each of the top guys in Renda, Sr, Vito, Arcadi and Cun-trera which is a long ways away from "outlining how the whole Montral mafia works". You would have to be borderline retarded to reveal something like that in a conversation to anyone, yet alone the top members of the org who would probably already have a good understanding of how things ran and in all the tapes he is only in the presence of other top guys. Mind you I have only seen and heard the tapes made public so please feel free to post a link to where we can see these other tapes you speak of and claim to have seen.

Last edited by Mussolini14; 03/17/12 02:24 PM.