Well, I won't take anything away from Sonny's extensive knowledge on this subject, but he and I don't always see eye to eye. He's right, though, that the Sicilians and Calabrians worked together in the past. Of course they did. But, for me, I am saying it is a Calabrian Godfather in charge up there now. I believe there are Sicilians that are collaborating once again with the Calabrians, but ultimately Calabrians are in control. I had put out the name of Cotroni as Godfather, people say I'm way off..maybe i am. Maybe I'm not. wink

I don't have much book knowledge to back this up ( if it's not in Cosmo I'm probably not reading it), and Sonny knows this. I don't put it out there as 100% truth, though, but it is my strong belief and theory as to what's what.
I've said so much more in the past..on and on and on..but everytime somebody spits out the question, "So what do you guys think is going on up there" in yet another thread, it begins all over again and frankly it gets tiring for me to keep rehashing the same words.

As far as Montagna, he maybe was not a pawn, but he's no mastermind. Well, as of now, he's no nothing.

Last edited by carmela; 03/16/12 11:55 AM.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.