Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Wow, I'm kinda surprised Mike D'Antoni resigned. I knew he wouldn't be there past this season, but I'm more surprised he resigned and didn't get fired. Probably knew he was going to be and just beat them to the punch.

They're a joke. Management isn't happy unless the inmates are running the asylum, and I can't root for them as long as Richie Rich is running the show at the Garden. And trust me, I'm no casual fan. My brother and I used to go to 20 games a year back in the day. Greatest venue in the world and no one wants to play here. Can you really blame them?

I agree, I hate Dolan. He is one of the worst owners in the league only don't ask him that. He'll tell you he's doing a good job. I'm still pissed they let Pat Riley lost. Since he left Pat's won a ring and basically already in the Finals for the next few years being able to sign LeBron and Bosh to go along with Wade. SMH