First of all, I'm proud to be a pinko liberal. Beats being a mullah. lol

Secondly, still you have not elaborated as to why a homosexual person who pays taxes just like any heterosexual, shouldn't be benefiting from a marital status with a partner of his/her choice.

If society wouldn't recognize that right for him, why would they accept his taxes? And why don't you stop acting on your feelings? Why do you feel that you are entitled to do something like that? Because you can reproduce? What's next on the list of people who can't get married? Those who are barren? Is reproducing more important or actually raising a human being, even if it's not of your own flesh and blood? How is having kids relating to being married? Marriage is a partnership. It recognizes the role of your spouse when you are incapacitated to make a decision for yourself. Spouses could inherit from each other. Having kids is just one aspect of it.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones