Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
To me, the black vote against gay marriage is very understandable because they believe it to be morally wrong; as do I. The attempts by some to draw a parallel to racism in the past notwithstanding.

I don't consider myself lax toward polygamy. I'm certainly not advocating for it. Simply pointing out the hypocrisy by those who try to argue for gay marriage but don't say anything about polygamy. As far as legally recognized marriages go, I think 1 man and 1 woman.

Well, I think their/your morals lack understanding of sex orientation issue. It's not a choice to be gay, or black or a woman, etc. We're what we're. These are dictated to us by our DNA. Being gay is not a choice like polygamy is. Therefore according to universal morals (if something like that existed!) it's wrong to discriminate against gays to marry the partner of their liking, when others have the right to do so.

That being said, I think it's not business of state to dictate the number of spouses in a marriage. If someone doesn't like polygamy, they could simply stay away from such an arrangement.

[Argumentum Ad Nauseam] A society which incurs the costs of homosexuality, excessive abortion, polygamy, or any other objectively poor choice that statistically threatens the health and financial sustainability of the individual and/or society, has the right and obligation to mitigate such costs.

(Polygamy's illegal cuz it's bad for their kiddos, tho. Breaking up 4 way marriage is hard to do.)