Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Frank, in a nutshell, you're saying that the reason abortion rates in Sweden are low even when the abortion is available, has to do with their race and wealth. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Why don't you look at it the other way around? Why don't you see that when there's a strong social security system that makes a right winger in the US cringe, vast majority of people are prosperous, get better educations, live in better neighborhoods and therefore make more rational and responsible decisions, and end up having less abortions as the result?

When someone is poor, he couldn't get a proper education, lives in a poor neighborhood with bad influences and ends up doing messed up things which leads him to become a heavier burden down the road.

Anyway you look at it, this would not be solved unless people are willing to take care of each other.

Has to do with socioeconomic status and differences in culture (e.g. can't tell Catholics to use birth control); Entitlement programs are already 60% of federal spending.