Originally Posted By: olivant
Of course, the Iranian national government has a quite liberal standard, doesn't it?

So you accept that it's because you were born a Christian that you have this opinion. If you were born on a stranded island and were raised with no specific moral values, you may have thought differently. That's all I'm saying.

Abortions are illegal as far as government is concerned. But so many other things are illegal too. We're used to do illegal things. ohwell

As far as views of religion goes, Shiites ask their own designated mullah (lol sorry, don't know what to translate that). It's someone you follow in details of the religion. Those mullahs usually have a far more laxed view on abortion than Pope. They consider fetus not with a soul before there's a distinctive heartbeat that can be heard outside the womb. The fine for aborting a pregnancy according to their ruling in that time is around $3000, which must be paid to the parents. If parents are the one wanting the abortion, well, it's not advised to do so. Must be discussed case by case. If one fears the woman can't make it, it's always okay to abort. If there's fear of great discomfort, it's okay to abort in 1st trimester.

Stem cell research has been green lighted by all Muslim sects I think. It's certainly legal here.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones