Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
So here's a question for Americans, imagine a Persian couple trying to abort an unwanted pregnancy. It can happen here, they imagine they can't afford having another child and they sometimes go for abortion. According to their own views of Islam, fetus is not a human being until three months old and it's not a murder. How this abortion equating murder thing is gonna fit into religious liberties of others that are not Christians?

It's no problem of morality for American Christians because quite frankly, most think Islam is a barbaric religion. Or practiced by barbaric peoples, take whatever you shall. Your point would only confirm for them what they think they already know, and might even give a polling bump to bombing Iran. (I can picture the bumper sticker now: "Save a Baby, Drop a Bomb!")

Personally, I would rather pray to Batman before Jesus or Allah. Why? Because nobody in the name of Batman ever bombed anybody or persecuted gays or other minorities. Plus he's got a bitchin' utility belt. And shark repellent spray!

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/14/12 02:37 PM.