Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I've already said that an exception could be made in the very rare case of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in danger. But let's not kid ourselves. The vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with those things.

Making an exception means requiring a person to go to court and prove rape. Many cases, it's her word against his. By the time you go through the process, it's too late to have an abortion.

I don't have any information on what's the demographic of reasons for abortion. I think the law has to rule on a worst case scenario. And laws usually don't have anything to do with morals. There's always plenty of room to abuse the legal system, it's not just this case.

I'm going so far as to say abortion for the sake of convenience is morally wrong. Still it shouldn't be illegal just because some abuse this law.

Last edited by afsaneh77; 03/13/12 07:20 AM.

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