Little of both; this part of the country's been settled for 150 years. Long time, but compare that to the rest of the United States, nearly 400. It's a far longer time for people to acclimate and become intro woven into it. It's the reason why we're not as affectionate as those in the South, everyone is related or familiar with their neighbor's and kins, here no one has similar struggles or life's obstacles.

Law enforcement is though, probably the biggest reason. I'd like to say it's a matter of corruption. Our cops are more by the book and eager to get their hands dirty, by which I mean eager to assault crime in it's self. Notice that quite a few police brutality or officer related homicides come from here. One may think of California's reputation for liberalness and hippies would create a difference in Police ethos, however their is a distinct lack of good-old boy values and more of a Us vs. them mentality in law enforcement out here.

Our criminal organizations are also vastly different, where upon their based on poverty and unfamiliarity with assimilation into American culture. East Coast, whether you're Italian or Puerto Rican, if you've been in this country for several generations their is still a familiarity or respect for organized crime. Most wiseguys come from stable upbringings and it's their culture or associations with friends and blood family that either push or pull back from criminal or anti-social attitudes. Same for Puerto Ricans and often less, with more recently arrived Dominicans.

That doesn't occur here, there will always be very, very strong Hispanic, and particularly Mexican OC and gangs, due to culture and geography with Mexico, however black OC and black gangs are, and have been on the down slope since the 90's. I'd figure it's the Midwest and East Coast where gang numbers are rising.

However it's California that started the skin head, white power culture. That's a whole other discussion that I'd love to post on. But it's almost 10 AM, I'm still a liiitttle bit sleepy and gotta get ready for class. smile

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer