Originally Posted By: Mussolini14

So less than 12 murders puts 70+ to shame?. Exaggerate much? If this Marvich fellow was such a prolific killer why has no one ever heard of him except people from his street lol. Why do you feel it necessary to grossly exaggerate? How many did he really kill because first you said he killed a few and then when you were called out you upped it to "nearly 12" so what is it?

God only knows how many people he killed or murders he participated in. It's the fact of location that ties in heavily with murder rate. Very rarely do serial killers on the West Coast, or at least outside of California (the Green River killer comes to mind) reach the amount of victims that come anywhere near Midwest or East Coast killers. A killer from Alaska with 10 murders, hits (if their gangland) would be a tremendous feat, far more difficult that a killer in New York, Florida or Illinois.

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer