Originally Posted By: tiger84
iTALIANS FROM ny ARE COMPLETLEY DIFFERENT FORM ITALIANS ON THE WEST COAST.The west coast italians try to intergrate more with white america but the NYi are more indivisualists.Its funny because look at the blacks the Ny and LA dress and talk and act the same for the most part but an Italian from NY is completley differant from an italian living in seatle for instance

That's because people from NY are obsessed with race and ethnicity. It's all NYC's working class has. Especially in the boroughs. No matter how much of a loser in life one is, you can display a foreign flag and feel better about yourself and be part of a peer group where no one can deny you membership to.

I laugh at the people with the Yankees logo in red, white and green. It's a glaring example of the ethnicity obsessed NY mindset.