Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

If the legislature of a state passes something like gay marriage, I don't like it but I can't argue with it. Well, unless there is a referendum by the people, which should hold more weight.

Why? With that logic, American Idol has more weight than Prop 17 on parking lot fees.

For that matter, why even bother with electing representatives then? Besides one notion I do agree with the Founding Fathers: the masses are an unruly mob with fickle tastes, very short attention spans, and refuse to accept responsibility for the most part. Elitist? Absolutely, but nobody will disagree with that diagnosis. Imagine if they ran foreign policy.

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

But that's not saying the gay marriage crowd isn't still trying to get their agenda done through the courts. It's only a matter of time before the issue will reach the Supreme Court.

Considering how they've put off deciding on HCR till next year, and the same with Prop 8...I'm not sure. After Bush/Gore, the Court has really tried to avoid big epic controversial loaded cases. (Though this didn't stop them from making baffling bad decisions like Kelo, Citizens United) Doesn't mean they won't, but it's not a slam dunk.

(Notice how they've not tackled Roe/Wade directly. It's funny but the right-wingers' mantra of letting legislature decide shit and not courts, that ideology might've hampered those right-wing judges from making decisions that the base wants.)

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

And, for the record, I'm certainly no Evangelical.

I never said you were.

But they are a minority with way too much power and influence on government considering their size. Is anybody outside of that clique worried to death sick about married gay people? I would say most either don't mind or don't care.

Well maybe Al Qaeda, but that's an exception.