There is no rational or logical argument against gay marriage or gay rights that stands up to any sort of applied scrutiny. None what so ever. If abortion, one could argue that neither side is wrong in an endless abyss of moral ambiguity, gay marriage it's black & white.

Actually I have to thank right-wingers for the tide going in the favor of Gay Rights. Because they overreached and abdicted their Moral Authority, whether it be the Vatican's pathetic demoralizing failure to take responsibility over their child abuse, or the countless religious leaders/politicians revealed as private bald-face hypocrites. Or most symbolic perhaps, Bristol Palin a spokeswoman for Abstinence. (Bin Laden for Toleration!) All that isn't the only reason, but it's the core reason.

(Same reason why Obama won't tackle the black church leaders against gay rights. He's afraid of losing a significant chunk of that vote this fall. Yet to say the least, they lack the moral authority as well.)

It's funny but IvyLeague bitched earlier about liberals using the courts to hijack the country (an unchanged mantra since 1969), but with the exception of the responses to Prop 8...all the other states have passed gay marriage or civil union laws from the legislature. Even DADT was repealed by Congress and not by executive order.

Of course the right-wingers cry tyranny and want referendums. Imagine if ballots were held whether Italian or Irish or Jewish immigrants in the 19th century should have civil rights themselves or hold office. Or imagine if states much earlier could vote between accepting Mormons as law-abiding citizens or driving them out with violence in the name of Jesus. (Not that they needed a vote to do the latter, but regardless.)

There is something remotely retarded about using direct democracy about granting (or taking away) rights to minorities. We don't live in a direct democracy, we live in a republic. The Federalist Papers argued that as much in why the Constitution should be passed in 1787 because it would propegate the majority's will while defending the minority's rights.

Besides California plays that bullshit referendum game to the poin that Sacromento's lawmakers pussy out of taking a legislative risk. Do right-wingers really want to be like California?

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/11/12 08:08 AM.