Originally Posted By: Lilo
Just because a right is not specifically enumerated doesn't mean it doesn't exist. shhh

Well, the justices on the Supreme Court had to base their loony decision to allow women to have the child within them killed on some Constitutional/legal ground. So, as activist judges often do, they stretched and twisted the meaning of part of the Constitution to their liking in order to fit the bill.

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
This is why I despise the argument used by some to follow the "original intent" of the Founding Fathers, and which they were bound by the political constraints and realities of their epoch, and the document they crafted reflect as such.

Safe to say it's 2012. Not 1787. We consider slavery to be sorta wrong, yet it was considered status quo acceptable back then. (Whether acceptable evil to placate the southerners, and protect Founding Fathers' own capital investment in slave labor like Washington.)

With your kind of thinking, the interpretation of the Constitution becomes so stretched and warped, that our laws will eventually look nothing like it's a original self. The fact that abortion was based on "right to privacy" shows just how much people can twist the Constitution to their liking. And since it's 2012 and not 1776, shouldn't we be a little more "evolved" and "sophisticated" in how we treat unborn children. Yes, yes, I know, a woman's "right to choose" (cough...bullshit) is more important.

Originally Posted By: olivant
Babe, if a woman aborts, she is killing her child; she is killing her flesh and blood. What in God's name makes the life of a child as an issue of rape or incest less valuable than your life? Nothing does. Her decision to kill her child is a function of convenience. As I posted above: dress it up in all of the emotion you want to. But it's just convenience.

I'm glad your at least honest in admitting that. The "pro-choice" crowd has worked very hard to almost turn abortion into a good thing. But it is what it is.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 03/10/12 06:05 PM.

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