Kenny's a local boy for me so he's always garnered interest from me, other than his extremely coincidental contact with the Colombo's after 9/11, I think he's just a rich thug more than anything else. He made a ton of money with cocaine and then porn (he wouldn't have made a dime if he got into porn 5 years later than he actually did).

A few years ago OC Weekly, a local alternative press did a cover on him. It mostly was about a murder of a restaurateur, Joey Avila, which still remains unsolved. There was some very interesting stuff on a guy named Mike Marvich.

Unfortunately if you google Marvich, most of what comes up is from Kenny's sites, however I can attest to tell you that Mike Marvich was the kind of guy who could put Roy DeMeo's East Coast crew to shame. Mike didn't kill the amount of people that DeMeo's crew did, but the simple fact that I'm comparing the two shows just how fucking gnarly this dude was.

Here's page 5 from the article:

Trust me, even before I read this article I was familiar with the name Mike Marvich from reading Hollywood Goodfella. This man was no joke, I liken him to a West Coast Supreme Team (the crew that shot 50 Cent) or a one man Cocaine Cowboy. Someone not be fucked with.

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer