Originally Posted By: Lilo

The "right to privacy" for which you have such contempt is what allowed contraceptives to be used by people-married couples and then also unmarried couples. Arguably it grows out of the substantive due process theories from the 5th and 14th Amendments. So it would be a neat trick to overturn Roe v. Wade without also overturning the Griswold case mentioned. Those decisions are joined at the hip.

I don't like abortion. I think it's wrong and would not be with someone who thought it possible. But the chances of Roe v. Wade being overturned are slim. And even it if were that would not significantly change the numbers of abortions performed. As a group, women aren't going to give up that right. They just won't. Times have changed.

I don't know. Michael Medved, who is pretty informed on this stuff, seems convinced that if the conservative justices become a majority with Ginsberg retiring soon, it will be overturned.

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