Originally Posted By: Lilo
If something is a right, i.e marriage or abortion, then it is completely irrelevant as to how many people find it unpopular. That's a good thing.

Most of the right-wing people that go on about how abortion is murder don't have the courage of their convictions. If abortion is truly murder then we ought to be placing millions of women in prison for life and even a few of them on death row. That's never going to happen because sensible people realize how ridiculous it is. Sensible people also realize that the courts are unlikely to overturn Griswold vs Connecticut or its stepchild , Roe v. Wade.

It is interesting how many right-wingers are in favor of majority rule decision making on fundamental rights-that is as long as they are in the majority. When they're not, suddenly they discover a new respect for the Bill of Rights. They wax positively Madisonian they do.

There's nothing in the Bill of Rights that supports abortion. Right to Privacy, my ass. And it's hard to imprison somebody who did something that was technically legal at the time.

In my opinion, the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade. And then it should be left up to the states. That's Constitutional. But even then, I would hope that abortion would only be allowed in the very rare cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

Women have plenty of "choices." They can choose not to have sex. They can choose to use birth control. And they can choose to put up the child for adoption.

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