Let's be realistic here. Connie was arrayed in her finest dress to attend her nephew's premier singing engagement. She was not there to dine. Now, anyone who has ever eaten a cannoli knows that if you take a bite of it you will probably end up with any number of crumbs (not to mention filling) sprinkled about your person. Also, anyone who has spent any time around women (perhaps therein lies the problem) who are dressed in their finest knows that the last thing a women has on her mind at such a time is eating and the first thing she has on her mind is to preserve her pristine appearance. She did what a lady would do, Altobello would have expected it, and he would be none the wiser.

Autopsies are not required even in all US states in all cases. Since I'm sure that none of us knows Italian law regarding same, it's quite possible that an autopsy would not have been performed. And if it was, so what.

Altobello accepted a gift from his goddaughter; there was no reason for Altobello to suspect anything.

Last edited by olivant; 03/09/12 12:52 PM.

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