Top 13 - Results

Top 13 perform Stevie Wonder's "Always" (Meh, C-)

Ford Music Video "Big Time"

Jessica, Elise, Hollie...
Jessica safe, Hollie safe, Elise B3

Heejun, Jermaine, Colton...
Colton safe, Heejun safe, Jermaine B3

2011 runner-up Lauren Alaina performs "Georgia Peaches"

Erika, Shannon, Skylar...
Erika B3, Skylar safe, Shannon B3

Philip, Jeremy, Deandre, Joshua...
Philip safe, Jeremy B3, Deandre safe, Joshua B3

B3 Girls = Elise, Erika, Shannon
B3 Boys = Jermaine, Jeremy, Joshua
Erika and Joshua are safe

Mary J Blige performs "Why?"

B4 = Elise, Jermaine, Shannon, Jeremy (who Steven thought should go)

B2 Boys = Jermaine, Jeremy
B2 Girls = Shannon, Elise

Randy said that was "probably right"

Jermaine and Shannon are safe

Jeremy [my #6] vs Elise [my #12]

Elise is safe (?!!), Jeremy goes home to last year's winner Scotty's "Please Remember Me"

Sorry to see Jeremy go, he really had a nice voice....

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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