Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Weird how after Bill Maher defended Rush over the ad boycotting, the GOP targets him.

I'm sure Anne Coulter is conflicted.

I loathe Maher. He's the left's version of Limbaugh. Hell, he may even be the left's version of Michael Savage. He's that bad. But I give him credit because he has to know how much this resembles what he said about Palin a couple years ago. He's just covering his ass with a preemptive comment to avoid looking like a hypocrite.

Rush said one bad thing about some girl. That's it. He's no rightist version of Maher.

Keep in mind, Rush is on 15 hours a week for over 20 years. Maher has a Friday night show and that's it.

Rush is rarely vulgar like he was last week, and overall his record isn't bad. Rush and Hugh Hewitt have the best shows. Savage is good too, but he does not really have a background in politics. He is known for complaining about the threat of radical Islam.

What pisses me off is that advertisers avoid Rush and other conservatives yet they flock to Al Sharpton on 1600 AM, after all the things he has said and done. I won't go to Mc Donald's or Kohl's because they advertise on Sharpton's show. White people need to learn to organize boycott's for more than just the War on Christmas.