
Originally Posted By: Nicholas
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
When Kenji used to post on the RD, he said the Persicos still have a lot of extended family members on the street. Allie Boy getting the title after Carmine dies makes sense. The Persicos get to keep the big seat, and retain influence, but the day-to-day operations are run by other guys in the family, and the official boss is already behind bars.

Did you ever correspond with Kenji on RD?

I go to University where Kenny's from.

There's a huge, stickied thread on RD devoted to Kenji's Q and A. I have to admit, at first I was all "ZOMG Kenji's akshullyx responding!!1!"; but soon realised the extent of his flip-flopping, contradiction and "LULZ IM SO AWESOME!" rendered his info severely biased. He seems more interested in convincing people he was a "HARDCORE CRIM EVEN BEFORE" and that the one Persico he was around is indicative of the whole. The various responses and pointed questioning eventually lead to his boycotting of the forum.

Sure he was around some guys, and I certainly hold a modicum of respect for him taking the time to post about his exploits on a mafia forum. But so much inconsistency and so much arrogance doesn't exactly endear him to the average poster. I swear Ive seen his name a few times in the "users browsing this forum" feed, but beyond that, his thread's run cold for a few years now apparently.

Back on topic, despite the "sinking ship" meme, I think that people are too quick to write off the Colombos. There's a huge history there and they're still, even today, after so may hits; so many cuts above the average "gang" status. There's still a number of serious earners, still a number of serious hitters and, as with the other four families, still likely a number of guys we dont even know about still towing the line. It's ludicrous to think that we "internet fanboyz (LULZ)" have got a handle on each and every figure affiliated.

Still, I'll STFU if Capeci reports on the Colombo (READ: PERSICO) dissolution in a Gangland article soon.
