Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: GerryLang
So now this idiot wants the US to bomb Syria and/or arm the rebels in Syria. The so called rebels in Syria are nothing but a bunch of terrorist thugs, just like the guys the Europeans and US supported in Libya. The stuff they have done and are doing is no better than the guys they want to get rid of,

I can't think of a conflict that McCain hasn't wanted to get involved in. You would think for a guy who fought in a war he'd want to avoid one at all cost, but nope. There is something mentally wrong with the guy, and needs to be stop being elected. The more I think about it, his constitutents might be more then nuts then he.

You really think the Syrian protesters, in general, are anywhere as bad as the Assad regime they're trying to overthrow?

My attitude has been, "OK, let's help the people in Iran, Libya, Syria, etc. who are trying to break out of under the oppressive regimes. Because than it gives them a chance to show they can implement some kind of democracy of their own. However, if they simply allow other tyrants to take over, including religious extremists, than they've shown they're not deserving of anything but what they've always had."

No, I don't think the Sunni of Syria would be much better than Assad if they were to gain power in Syria. I don't think they have any intention of creating a free and democratic society where all will be considered equal regardless of the religion they follow.