Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Limbaugh is a wack job and its sad that this guy gets the number of listeners/has the influence he does. I saw this new article that did a national study where they showed as America has become more diverse with different viewpoints from various people, higher educated, etc most Americans (especially those under 35) identify themselves as Liberal. While the GOP continues to have support amongst those who are increasingly old white males with little education, etc.

Just some info.

I guess you want to fit in to the young liberal sect.

Do you consider Italians to be white, "people of color" or somewhere in between, say "ethnics"?

If you think the whites who support the GOP have little education, how would you classify all the minorities and white trash who are life-long liberals? It's not just the GOP that has their fair share of uneducated voters.

Ethnic for Italians

My comment was referring to trend changes in regards to conservative/liberal identification across the country amongst the population. Obcourse I agree that both groups have uneducated segments, and for the record "white trash" eg poor, white uneducated, and mostly rural largely identify as conservative.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.