Originally Posted By: Lilo
There are ways to make points about the proper role of mandates or what should be included in basic health care without calling people sluts, whores or prostitutes or going off on jihads against the social changes of the past 50 years.

That's exactly right, Lilo. Limbaugh is a buffoon and a misogynist, but we already knew that. Hell, his fanbase already knows this, and they love him for it. I say don't play into his trap. He's LOVING this.

I think the original point of this thread was Rush's name calling, etc. Not whether or not this woman's point of view on free contraception is right or wrong. But to play Devil's Advocate about her stance on the matter, I'll openly state that I think she's wrong on this one.

I mean, why choose a Catholic school if these are your beliefs? If you're an Islamophobe, would you choose Al-Azhar University as a place to pursue higher education? If you're an anti-Semite, would you go live on a Kibbutz?

You can't tell me that---at least subconsciously---she didn't have this soapbox/fifteen minutes of fame on her mind.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.