Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The Catholic Church has changed over the years, mostly after Vatican II, and it's still here. I don't think it's going anywhere. It may have some places to still go, but it's certainly not going to disappear.

The quote was suggesting the Catholic Church is going anywhere. The point is, any church worth it's salt won't simply change, or "evolve" as you put it, simply to stay with the times or to appeal to popular opinion.

Originally Posted By: J Geoff
The Catholic Church (at least) will never embrace homosexuality as a lifestyle. After all, Scriptures say it's a sin to "lay with men as with women." They do admit that it's not a sin simply being homosexual, and they don't have a problem with gays themselves (as long as they're celibate). I can't presume to speak for Jesus, but I would think that He would love homosexuals like all other "sinners" he's loved throughout the New Testament -- He would just never condone the sins themselves and would encourage them to "repent" from them.


Last edited by IvyLeague; 03/02/12 08:00 PM.

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