The fact that the holidays are coming have nothing to do with it. I don't know if you read about when I first met him (its on like page 13 or 14 or something of this thread)..

There are several reasons:
1) He drinks and smokes weed. This is a biggie, because I'm straight-edge (i don't drink, smoke, etc).. I'm very against all that.

2)He can be annoying. He wants to kiss me all the time. I mean, once in a while is cool, but he wants to do it literally every 2 seconds. And he does the stupid baby talk. That drives me crazy.

3)I think I liked being single better. I mean sure I didn't have a boyfriend that I could call up any time I wanted, but at least I wasn't tied down. I have several guy friends - and only two girl friends. He gets jealous whenever I hang out with them, and not him. Plus when I was single, I could flirt with anyone I wanted.. and I can't do that now.

4)He busted out "I love you" the other day, after only 2 weeks of dating. He doesn't love me. He's only known me a month, and we've only been dating for half of one.

5)I dread him calling. When I see his name on the Caller ID, I find myself rolling my eyes... not really wanting to talk to him...

So I dunno.. he's generally a nice guy and all.. but.... I dunno. I don't think he's right for me.

OH YEAH.. and I was at my friend's house on Friday and Jamie was there.. (There was about 6 or 7 people there) And Jocelyn's straight edge too. And we were talking about how when we're 80 we're going to "break edge" (meaning drink) and OD on this really aged bourban her dad has downstairs.. because that'd be the way to go. (We were just joking around btw).. and Jamie was like "when you're 80? oh I wanna be there.".... like we're going to be together until we're 80..

I dunno, maybe I'm just being too picky...

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club