Originally posted by Blake Peters:
It's minus 17 out right now. Yep and I walked around for five minuets in a t-shirt and jeans while waiting for a ride. Next month for me may reach about minus 40. Why does Hawaii have to be so far away?
eek eek eek Wow.

Irish, strangely enough, I don't drink all that coffee because I NEED it... well I NEED at least one cup a day or else I get a headache... but as for the rest, I just like the taste of coffee. I make a full pot of it in the morning, and I drink it all day... and in between cups of regular coffee, I usually have an espresso in the afternoon with my mom. wink

Orange juice in the morning?! After you brush your teeth, or before? If it's after, orange juice is so nasty when it mixes with taste of toothpaste in your mouth... EW.

tongue Geez, deep thoughts today, huh?