Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Hi guys had a few questions I would appreciate clearing up on Gotti Jr.

1. When he was a Capo what crew did he run?
2. Who are some of the made members of the crew and what are they doing now in the family?
3. Who is running that crew now?
4. Did any of the top hierarchy in the Gambino's actually like/ respect him? like D'Amcio, Corrozzo etc
5. When did he cease Mafia involvement?
6.Do you believe he has absolutely no contact with the family now?

Nicky, here are some of the answers (This is according to turncoat Mikey "Scar" DiLeonardo):

Gotti Junior was given his own crew to lead by his father in 1990. When Junior became the acting boss of the Gambinos in 1991, Bobby Boriello (a crew member) became acting capo of this crew.
Boriello was killed in april 1991 and was succeeded by Tommy "Sneakers" Cacciopoli.

Other made members of this crew were:
Vinny "Butch" Corrao (who later took over Joe "Butch" Corrao´s crew),
Carmine Agnello,
John "Jackie" Cavallo,
Charlie "Carnegs" Carniglia (who later switched to Sal Scala´s crew),
Dominick "Fat Dom" Borghese (who had transfered from D´Amico´s crew and later turned informant) and
Craig DePalma (son of Greg and like Borghese later turned informant).
I think all these guys were made around 1990, 1991 and 1992.
Of cours, Junior was made in 1988.

It seems that Tommy "Sneakers" Cacciopoli is the official capo nowadays. That´s how he is listed anyway.

I believe (but who´s to say for sure?) that Junior has left the life for good. It sure looks like it.

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