Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Ok, I started to post a comment mocking her for this last night, but then changed my mind. Angelina Jolie's leg flashing last night??? My first thought, who the hell are you? God's gift to men? lol

Now, I'll feel free to mock her since I am not the only one who noticed her obvious attempt to be sexy I guess???

You're not alone, Tis. I caught that and I agree with you. I think she may be feeling that she's getting older and she has to prove to herself that she's still "got it."

You know how neurotic and insecure these starlets can be. Jolie is a gifted actress, but she's apparently no different in that sense than the untalented.

But I still can't stand her. Give me Jennifer Aniston any day. Brad Pitt is a moron.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.