The biggest thing I learned from watching the Oscars is that Farley Granger is dead, and you might want to include Nick Nolte on next year's death pool.

I was disappointed in Billy Crystal. He used to be much funnier and some of his gags, like thanking the president of the Academy for whipping the crowd into a frenzy, were recycled from past shows when Johnny Carson hosted.

I was happy for Meryl Streep. Her acceptance seemed refreshingly candid.

I can always pick the winner of the short film just from the 30 second blurb they show. Same goes for animation short. I knew nothing was going to beat the flying books.

The skit about the critique of The Wizard of Oz was mediocre at best, but Billy Crystal made it worse by naming Fredv Willard and the others involved on such a funny piece.

The big winner? Brad Pitt because he gets to go home with Angelina Jolie...although she appeared a bit gaunt.

I'd like to see Moneyball, Dragon Tattoo and maybe the Tree of Life, but I don't think I can sit through The Artist, The Descendants or Midnight in Paris.

Ben Stiller and Downey, Jr. always know how to get a good laugh without coming off like a cornball.

I missed some of the show to watch the NBA All-Star Game, in which Kobe Bryant surpassed Jordan to become the all-time leading all-star game scorer.