Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Hey Dwalin2011 can you please upload the Tokyo Joe documentary or just tell me where can i find it and ill download it myself?!Sorry for bothering you again and thanks in advance.

Unfortunately, there is a problem. I tried to make an image copy from the DVD, but the copy just doesn't work. Maybe the DVD is protected somehow. I didn't expect this problem as I have already managed to make copies from other dvds. I will continue to try, if I succeed I will upload it.
However, don't worry about bothering me, if you want any other documentary just ask me, there will be no problem with those that I have as avi files. As for those on dvds I don't know, I haven't yet tried them all.

I downloaded the two pizza connections and the fifth estate about the Rizzuto's from a previous post. I could watch the one on the Rizzuto's, but the two pizza connections would not play. Is their any way to put them on youtube?