Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being best),how would you rate The Artist. I can't say it seems appealing to me. I likely won't go to a movie to see it, but may catch it on HBO or something.



Between 7 and 8. Probably 7 if push comes to shove. Quite decent. If anything I'm surprised the Oscars embraced it because you know they usually love their social commentary hammer to the skull pictures, that they gotta have "meaning" or something.

Anyway, give it a chance. I wouldn't call it a challenging picture. Not at all.

Now TREE OF LIFE, that's challenging. Either you're overwhelmed by it emotionally by the baggage you bring to that picture, or you think it's pretentious hooey of gooey. I loved it, but I can't blame those that don't.