BSing or telling the truth?

Mark Wahlberg has claimed to know who will win at the Oscars on Sunday, courtesy of "a friend at Pricewaterhouse," according to the Huffington Post.

But Wahlberg has stated confidently that "The Artist" will triumph in the Best Picture category, with its star Jean Dujardin also taking home the prize for Best Actor.

If we take him at face value, it appears that Wahlberg was given the full lowdown on the Oscar's bash. "The Fighter" and "Contraband" star also let slip that "The Help" will have a big night, with Viola Davis winning Best Actress and co-star Octavia Spencer prevailing in the Best Supporting Actress category.

Such is the 40-year-old star's apparent inside knowledge that his declarations even stretch to the awards' technical categories.

"'Transformers' will win for best sound editing, and "Hugo"--they will win Best Costume, Production and Cinematography."