Originally Posted By: Mark
I heard Antoinette Giancana (Sam Giancana's daughter) interviewed on WGN Radio this morning talking about the Vegas Mob Museums. I'm somewhat unclear on this because I didn't get to hear everything she was saying but I guess there are two mob museums in Vegas. The one she was involved with and another one the mayor of Vegas is operating. Any way, she quit her involvement/support because she says she never got paid. As soon as WGN uploads this morning's podcast, I will post the link to that segment. I am anxious to hear the whole interview uninterrupted. BTW - not sure if it is sour grapes but she recommends the mayor's museum over the other one that went into bankruptcy. She says he is a true historian and got it right.

YEah there are/were two.

There was one that opened last year at the Tropicana, that was the one Giancana was involved with. They filed for bankruptcy late last year, and I'm not sure if it's still open.

The Museum of Law Enforcement and ORganized Crime, a.k.a. The Mob Museum, opened two weeks ago on Feb 14. That's the one that cost $42 million.