Originally Posted By: Irishman12
I can't wait either. April 6 cannot arrive fast enough! I wasn't a huge fan of the trade, but I'm interested to see this Pineda kid. Plus I wanna see how Kuroda does in the AL East. I wonder who'll win the 5th spot. I personally think Hughes should get it. They keep saying about how he should go in the bullpen? WHY! Because he had success in 2009. Ok. But that was then and this is now. They don't need him in the bullpen. They've already got Soriano, Robertson and Rivera. Plus, they're getting Joba back in June. What are they gonna do if they don't have Garcia next year? Try to insert Hughes into the rotation then? No, do that THIS year so he can build up his innings so next year he won't have as short of a leash.
My friend things change so much from day to day, but we are getting closer to the date of having some good games, I love those Yankees , and have ever since I was a kid lol that was a spell ago. But I have this feeling this year is really going to be a good one for this outstanding team. Alot of other things in this country are sliding down the hill, but a good hot dog only with onion's and mustard lol, popcorn, beer, and the Yankee Spirt. To heck with the rest of it,and not having some red, white, and blue. fun in life !

Thanks , Irishman12