While certainly Raab and Capeci can't possibly know for sure unless they were there. Nevertheless they are widely regarded as experts on mafia history and as far as I am aware neither has been criticized as a liar or fabricator and do not see a motive for them to lie about such things. Without a doubt I accede underlings do things such as broker drug deals that their bosses are not aware of. Notwithstanding I find it illogical and unreasonable to believe someone as savvy as Joe Bonanno would be unaware that his underboss was moving massive amounts of heroin for a decade. We're not talking about the occasional drug deal. Galante was one of the biggest traffickers in the country for over a decade while serving as Underboss to Bonnano. Furthermore by most accounts Joe Bonanno was highly intelligent and Carmine Galante was on the slow side, even diagnosed as borderline retarded while in prison IIRC which makes it even more improbable that he could hide such a large scale operation from Bonanno for so long. Also why do you suppose Bonanno was in Sicily with Galante staying in the same Palermo hotel as Galante and other Sicilian heroin traffickers while meetings regarding the heroin pipeline from Sicily to the USA were taking place? Again I always try and keep an open mind and look forward to hearing your response.