Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: CarloRizzo
I'm interested in finding out more, but every informant puts multiple guys behind bars.
I don't want to see the mafia weakened or eventually disappear.

But didn't you say here


you didn't like the mafia? So why don't you want them to be weakened or disappear? Have you suddenly started to like these murderous scumbags?
In my opinion, the ones to burn in hell are those mafiosi who protect the secrets of this murderous organization by keeping quiet, not the informants. Well, maybe the informants also should, but NOT because they betrayed the organization, but for the crimes they committed.

Actually informants are biggest scumbags,never betray anyone no matter what he is or who he is.If he is criminal be a criminal not rat.

"A fish with his mouth closed never get's caught"