I agree with NJBoy55 watch what you eat and do some cardio. If you want to just tone do high amounts of reps and lower the weight or if your trying to build muscle do low amounts of reps and heavier weights. Also go to the doctor and get checked out you may have low t, since your not out being active. Also mention that your sit on your ass all day serving as the mascot for this website.

Originally Posted By: Frosty
I am not trying to build up be some muscular old ass , walking around the beach with some spedo ( funny girls underwear) on! But so what, I do have a Bud Light, baby belly, it is bought and paid for ! I also have some man boobs with a hairy chest and some tatoo's ! But I like to keep my arms and chest tight as possible, and belly to ! eek shit ! I have no ass , all the fat ladys got it , mine, theirs and oh well. Sorry Geoff ! Don't matter what nationality !

I still have alot of medical problems and not going to go to the GYM, I have this 10-20-lbs of weights, So what would you jocks recomend out there. Lot of reps, ? etc..

Thank you !


Last edited by JPaisano; 02/22/12 01:00 AM.