Originally Posted By: CarloRizzo

I'm sure very few of the leader sin any family would.
These guys(Joe Massino) who flip when they are so old are a ****ing disgrace. I can almost understand a young guy flipping, but these guys 60+ who do are just horrible people. I can only hope there really is a hell for people like them to burn in some day.

I honestly don´t understand this. On my part, I welcome all informants. I have no feelings for them whatsoever. And I never mind conflicting information or semi lies out of them because I have (we actually all have) still the opportunity to choose what to believe and what not to believe.
Seriously, I do not understand the negativity. For those of us who are interested in learning more about the Mafia, these informants are a necessity.
What would we have known today without them? We would basically be fumbling in the dark and our thirst for knowledge would not had existed to the extent it exists today.

CarloRizzo, aren´t you interested in finding out more about the mob?

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