Don't take this the wrong way, but from what I'm reading you just sound like your cheap.
Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
As a soon to be Dad, its almost funny to think that my daughter will never know any other way but social networking and instant communication. As prevelant as it is now, I can only wonder at how entrenched it will be by the time she's of age to use it.

It is indeed so entrenched now, that I shudder to think of it even being possible to be more controlling of our lives in the future. But, sadly, I'm sure this, too, will come to pass.

I teach part-time at a local college. Recently, I told my class that I do not own a cell phone, palm-whatzis i-thisorthat or any of those things. One girl looked at me, her eyes popping out of her head, and said, " do you communicate??"

I told her I still have a land line, my trusty PC still runs quite well (even if it is a vintage 1999 antique ComputerSaurus), and that if people really need to contact me, they know where to find me. Smoke signals are also an option, I added. I'm not sure she got the joke.

Perhaps I'm a fossil who doesn't really know what he's missing, but I don't consider my life incomplete without all these little high-tech gadgets and "social networking."

Signor V.