As I was saying, before I rudely got interupted ! I have used wireless mouse's and Keyboards made by Logitech for years ! If you keep them clean and don't let grandkids play with them (wink) they are great ! I also use Endust Electronics on all my Electronic items to clean them , spray it on a rag and dust off , all Electronic's ! (wink) there is no wheel on a wireless mouse ! I also do not use a pad ! A good clean surface will sufice very nicely !

Hope you buried him nicely (wink) !

Get a cheap computer set up for the kids, you can find them all over, say Salvation Army, get everything for $15.00 bucks , monitor, etc.. It is worth it ! Just a thought ! Or look in the paper, pick up and you haul LOL ! So you walk out with on that has been under survilance for porn ! OH SHIT ! Don't do that ! LOL ! Good luck !