I think I remember reading somewhere that you've been with your girl for like 2 years right? Or am I confusing you with someone else?

A few questions, that you don't have to answer if you don't want to.. it'd just help:
1) First of all, am I right about how long you've been together?

2) Are you dumping her just because you like this girl more? Or have you been thinking about it for a while?

3) Do you have to break up with your girlfriend just to hang out with this girl? Or is your girlfriend one of those girls who absolutely forbids you hanging out with other girls?

So. Speaking from a girl's perspective, I'd say wait a while. If you two have been together for as long as I think you have, it's only right that you wait a while. My friend was dating this one kid for 2 years, 9 months, and he went to college and listened to his friends when they told him he had to break up with her (they didn't like her anyway), so he did. Then the asshole goes out with this other girl FROM MY SCHOOL (who is coincidentally my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend) A WEEK LATER. If he did that to me, I'd kill him Tony Montana style. mad

But anyway, I say wait a while.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club