Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: Scorsese
bonnano was involved in heroin trafficking aswell. His family was one of the most involved with drugs. I wouldnt really take his word on anything. You might be right about the prostitution but i just find it hard to believe that a group of murderous gangsters would shun one of the oldest and most lucrative criminal activities because a few of them felt it violated their so called principles.

The Bonanno Family was involved with drugs, Lilo Galante and his crew, Joe Evola and a few others were charged and sentenced for drug trafficking. Bonanno wasn´t able to (allthough being the boss) stop his men from dealing. If you read Bonanno and his son´s book you will see that Bonanno was fiercely against drug trafficking in his Family.
Most of the known mafiamembers who got prosecuted and sentenced for drug dealing back in the 1950s and 1960s (I´d say 90 percent of them) belonged to or was affiliated with the Lucchese, Genovese and Gambino Families. This comes through in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics book that was realeased a couple of years ago. The book is stuffed with known drugtraffickers from these three Mafia Families.
The Bonannos did not dominate the drug trade until later, in the 1970s.

Id have to take anything he says in a book about himself at face value. To me though drugs were just a natural progression from prohibition. You cant ignore the profits if your in a crime group that big its just unrealistic.