
Shocking Video: Planned Parenthood Targets Kids With Sex
by Steven Ertelt
February 14, 2012


A new video expose and report from a pro-life group shows how the Planned Parenthood abortion business exposes children to sexual material in order to seed a generation of sex addicts who will become future customers for the abortion giant.

The new American Life League report exposes Planned Parenthood’s sex programs using graphic imagery from Planned Parenthood’s own websites, materials, and events.

As Planned Parenthood kicks off National Condom Week tomorrow, it will also be actively engaged in selling underage sex to children, as young as those in grade school, with graphic videos and books, ALL says. The new disturbing video it compiled shows Planned Parenthood’s sexualization materials that are presented to school-age children across the country.

“Any parent that sees the video of Planned Parenthood’s material for school children will be horrified,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of the American Life League. “Planned Parenthood’s business model is aimed at making money from people who are engaged in sexual activity. The earlier Planned Parenthood can get girls having sex, the more money they make. Many of these children will become the women who will have abortions, which made up 51% of Planned Parenthood’s clinic revenue in 2010.”

The video, Hooking Kids on Sex, exposes a book used by Planned Parenthood’s sex educators for 10-year-olds with graphic images about how to masturbate, put on a condom and have sexual intercourse.

“If a dirty old man showed this book to kids in a park, he’d be arrested,” continued Sedlak. “Why does Planned Parenthood, a taxpayer-funded organization, get to distribute these books to our children and get more government money?”

The video also exposes Planned Parenthood’s S.T.A.R.S (Seriously Talking About Responsible Sex) program, which required teens to go see Capital Pride, a parade of scantily clad drag queens, gay couples kissing and men in thongs dancing on stage.

“Planned Parenthood wants kids to choose them for their sexual education over their own parents,” said Sedlak. “They want to be the trusted friend and advocate for kids of all ages. They know that a conversation about sex with a stranger or browsing a Planned Parenthood website about teen sex is easier than talking with their parents. The abortion giant has no problem using tax dollars to exploit that fear and make money off those kids.”

Nina Rhea, Director of Pro-Life Action of Oregon, also commented on the new report.

“The non-science, pornographic content of these school sex ed programs are abusive. Planned Parenthood’s websites are saturated with dangerous sex games erroneously labeled ‘education’ and ‘safe sex.’ This is not education but indoctrination into casual underage sex. There is no such thing as ‘safe sex,’” she said. “According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most reliable ways to avoid sexually transmitted disease is either abstaining from sex, or to be in a long-term monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. However, many infected persons may be unaware of their infections because STD’s are often asymptomatic.”

“Planned Parenthood’s ideology is drawn from their dangerous assessment of innocent children: ‘We are all sexual, from birth to death.’ These irresponsible programs are enablers for child predators who boldly prowl schools, shopping malls, and neighborhoods, who kidnap and then sexually abuse children,” she continued.


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